Sometime soon I am going to start adding pictures to the blog. I have some fun ones from a nephew's birthday party earlier this month and from Thanksgiving.
Soon...but not quite yet.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
This morning I read 1 Kings 9. The first of part of the chapter is about the Queen of Sheeba’s visit to King Soloman. She was amazed by his wisdom and wealth and gave the credit to God for it all. In verses 8-10 she says, “ “
In thinking about these verses this morning and wondering how they should, in a very practical way, effect and change my life I thought about the wealth that I have. My wealth to many people doesn’t seem like much, but to others I’m extremely blessed. The last 10 years or so look a bit like this:
• Age 18: go to Word of Life Bible Institute in Florida for a year. I had to get a small loan to complete the school year but it was paid off within three years.
• Age 20: After coming back to Iowa I got a good job without even looking for one. My hours were 1-9pm Tuesday to Saturday so after a year of working, in which I bought and paid off a car, I was able to go to a local Christian college.
• Age 21: After a year of school I decided that I shouldn’t continue my education there. During my year there Liberty University changed their age requirement for their Distance Learning Program.
• Age 22: My hours at work were cut in half. During this time the secretary at my church and her husband were getting busy with deputation for going to Portugal to teach in a school for missionary kids. She resigned and I was asked to take her place as the full time secretary.
• Age 23: I started school through LU’s DLP and end up taking a two week missions trip to Costa Rica.
• Age 24: I bought my house.
• Age 25-28: while I continue and eventually finish school I spend two weeks in South Africa, and basically just live my life.
• Age 28: a girl in my church who needs help and a place to live moves in with me for six months. This is a growing and learning experience for both of us.
• Age 29: my hours at work are cut more than in half. Even though my car is old and junky it is still running so I don’t have to worry about replacing it…at the moment. I am able to buy a new furnace and a computer. I find other jobs to help supplement what I am no longer earning at the church (and need to continue to find more).
All of this makes me rich. I don’t need or want a ton of possessions. I have everything.
Another thought I had about the life of Soloman is this: if someone like Soloman lived today the average Christian wouldn’t pay attention to him, no matter how much wisdom God gave him. Here is part of my logic: How many wives and concubines did he have? How many slaves were under him? I know that times have changed and polygamy isn’t accepted anymore, but it wasn’t widely practiced back then either. I think it was fairly limited to the wealthy.
Also lets take a look at Soloman’s dad, King David. We all know what he did with Bathsheba. And don’t forget about what David did when he was running from King Saul and acted like he was insane: drooling and acting like a mad man. With the prevalent mentality today, we wouldn’t give David a second thought other than to tell our kids to stay away from him. We would never believe that God would or could use someone like that.
This mentality and view of people who “sin big,” when personally applied to ourselves, can keep us from truly following God and living in the freedom that he has given us through the cross.
A few years ago I was talking to someone about Chrsitian liberty. What he said still sticks echoes in my mind today even though I haven’t fully realized the truth of what he said. He basically told me, “Christian liberty isn’t about having a shorter list of don’ts. It isn’t about a list; it doesn’t even include the concept of a list. Christian liberty is about the freedom we have by being children of God. We aren’t bound by sin or the law. God doesn’t want our allegiance to a list of dos and don’ts. He just wants us. Our sin will be taken care of, we will change, as we grow closer to Him.”
In thinking about these verses this morning and wondering how they should, in a very practical way, effect and change my life I thought about the wealth that I have. My wealth to many people doesn’t seem like much, but to others I’m extremely blessed. The last 10 years or so look a bit like this:
• Age 18: go to Word of Life Bible Institute in Florida for a year. I had to get a small loan to complete the school year but it was paid off within three years.
• Age 20: After coming back to Iowa I got a good job without even looking for one. My hours were 1-9pm Tuesday to Saturday so after a year of working, in which I bought and paid off a car, I was able to go to a local Christian college.
• Age 21: After a year of school I decided that I shouldn’t continue my education there. During my year there Liberty University changed their age requirement for their Distance Learning Program.
• Age 22: My hours at work were cut in half. During this time the secretary at my church and her husband were getting busy with deputation for going to Portugal to teach in a school for missionary kids. She resigned and I was asked to take her place as the full time secretary.
• Age 23: I started school through LU’s DLP and end up taking a two week missions trip to Costa Rica.
• Age 24: I bought my house.
• Age 25-28: while I continue and eventually finish school I spend two weeks in South Africa, and basically just live my life.
• Age 28: a girl in my church who needs help and a place to live moves in with me for six months. This is a growing and learning experience for both of us.
• Age 29: my hours at work are cut more than in half. Even though my car is old and junky it is still running so I don’t have to worry about replacing it…at the moment. I am able to buy a new furnace and a computer. I find other jobs to help supplement what I am no longer earning at the church (and need to continue to find more).
All of this makes me rich. I don’t need or want a ton of possessions. I have everything.
Another thought I had about the life of Soloman is this: if someone like Soloman lived today the average Christian wouldn’t pay attention to him, no matter how much wisdom God gave him. Here is part of my logic: How many wives and concubines did he have? How many slaves were under him? I know that times have changed and polygamy isn’t accepted anymore, but it wasn’t widely practiced back then either. I think it was fairly limited to the wealthy.
Also lets take a look at Soloman’s dad, King David. We all know what he did with Bathsheba. And don’t forget about what David did when he was running from King Saul and acted like he was insane: drooling and acting like a mad man. With the prevalent mentality today, we wouldn’t give David a second thought other than to tell our kids to stay away from him. We would never believe that God would or could use someone like that.
This mentality and view of people who “sin big,” when personally applied to ourselves, can keep us from truly following God and living in the freedom that he has given us through the cross.
A few years ago I was talking to someone about Chrsitian liberty. What he said still sticks echoes in my mind today even though I haven’t fully realized the truth of what he said. He basically told me, “Christian liberty isn’t about having a shorter list of don’ts. It isn’t about a list; it doesn’t even include the concept of a list. Christian liberty is about the freedom we have by being children of God. We aren’t bound by sin or the law. God doesn’t want our allegiance to a list of dos and don’ts. He just wants us. Our sin will be taken care of, we will change, as we grow closer to Him.”
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
I've been part time for a couple weeks now. I'm really enjoying the more relaxed schedule. Until this week, I haven't had to be anywhere by 8:00 am. It's been nice. My only concern is that I still don't have any additional house cleaning jobs beyond the one I got in October. It will all come together eventually though.
I got my computer a week ago yesterday. It's nice. It is exactly what I want. The only problem is that I can't seem to get the mouse settings adjusted so that the cursor insertion point doesn't change every couple minutes based on how long the mouse has been sitting still.
I got my new furnace last Friday. It won't be installed for a while still, but it is nice to have it.
I guess that not much else is going on in my life right now beyond cat sitting while my sister and her family is in Arizona. I'm not a big fan of cats since I am alergic to them. Oh well. I'm glad that I can help out.
Now that I have a computer I will try to blog more often. I don’t have internet, but my sister has wireless and I recently discovered an internet cafĂ© that is close to my house. It shouldn’t be too much of a problem to keep up with things now.
I got my computer a week ago yesterday. It's nice. It is exactly what I want. The only problem is that I can't seem to get the mouse settings adjusted so that the cursor insertion point doesn't change every couple minutes based on how long the mouse has been sitting still.
I got my new furnace last Friday. It won't be installed for a while still, but it is nice to have it.
I guess that not much else is going on in my life right now beyond cat sitting while my sister and her family is in Arizona. I'm not a big fan of cats since I am alergic to them. Oh well. I'm glad that I can help out.
Now that I have a computer I will try to blog more often. I don’t have internet, but my sister has wireless and I recently discovered an internet cafĂ© that is close to my house. It shouldn’t be too much of a problem to keep up with things now.
Friday, November 02, 2007
Uh Oh
With only 13 minutes left of my fulltime career here in the office, I'm starting to get sad.
Thankfully, and unexpectedly, yesterday God gave me the opportunity to buy a new furnace for really cheap. And thankfully since I can get the furnace for about $2000 less than I was anticipating I was able to go ahead and order the computer I want earlier today.
God is good, even when it is bittersweet.
Thankfully, and unexpectedly, yesterday God gave me the opportunity to buy a new furnace for really cheap. And thankfully since I can get the furnace for about $2000 less than I was anticipating I was able to go ahead and order the computer I want earlier today.
God is good, even when it is bittersweet.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Life and Changes
Tomorrow is my last day of working fulltime at my current job. I’m looking forward to the change of pace. It will be nice not to have to be up early next Monday morning. Hopefully that schedule won’t last too long since I need to get cleaning jobs lined up soon, but a week or two of not needing to wake up early would be nice.
Earlier today I was asked if I was nervous about tomorrow. Surprisingly I’m not nervous, upset, or anything like that…at the moment. Tomorrow may be entirely different. I know that people will be watching me all day to see how I am handling it all. That may get to me more than the change does. Actually in this situation I may end up being my own worst enemy. I'm hoping that I don't wake up and think "This is my last day to get up early to go to the office." and "This is the last time I will have to deal with the school rush to get to work." I would seriously annoy myself by doing that.
My desired new schedule is this: Mondays and Wednesdays - clean in the mornings and work at the office in the afternoons. Tuesdays and Thursdays - clean sometime during the day and then work for APS (a.k.a. the guy in my church - I think it is called APS anyway). Fridays - work at the church most of the day as secretary, or whatever I am called nowadays, then clean the office.
Since I only have one cleaning job lined up so far, next week I will be able to spend more time working for APS. Right now it is good for APS that I don’t have other work lined up. Since we are trying to get things organized and set up, the job will initially be more time consuming. Next week I will also start typing the dissertation for a lady in the church congregation.
My life used to be boring. Now on top of working as an “office assistant” I am a custodian, house cleaner, book keeper, and typist. I’m sure that before things get settled I will be able to add to that list.
I am hoping that eventually an opportunity will open up at a place I had applied at a month or so ago. That job is along the lines of what I think I want to do with my life. But until then or until God shows me something else I need to be doing, this is what I am pursuing.
Earlier today I was asked if I was nervous about tomorrow. Surprisingly I’m not nervous, upset, or anything like that…at the moment. Tomorrow may be entirely different. I know that people will be watching me all day to see how I am handling it all. That may get to me more than the change does. Actually in this situation I may end up being my own worst enemy. I'm hoping that I don't wake up and think "This is my last day to get up early to go to the office." and "This is the last time I will have to deal with the school rush to get to work." I would seriously annoy myself by doing that.
My desired new schedule is this: Mondays and Wednesdays - clean in the mornings and work at the office in the afternoons. Tuesdays and Thursdays - clean sometime during the day and then work for APS (a.k.a. the guy in my church - I think it is called APS anyway). Fridays - work at the church most of the day as secretary, or whatever I am called nowadays, then clean the office.
Since I only have one cleaning job lined up so far, next week I will be able to spend more time working for APS. Right now it is good for APS that I don’t have other work lined up. Since we are trying to get things organized and set up, the job will initially be more time consuming. Next week I will also start typing the dissertation for a lady in the church congregation.
My life used to be boring. Now on top of working as an “office assistant” I am a custodian, house cleaner, book keeper, and typist. I’m sure that before things get settled I will be able to add to that list.
I am hoping that eventually an opportunity will open up at a place I had applied at a month or so ago. That job is along the lines of what I think I want to do with my life. But until then or until God shows me something else I need to be doing, this is what I am pursuing.
Monday, October 22, 2007
God is Good
I got my first house cleaning job this morning. I start November 5, my first official day as a part timer at the church.
It is also my birthday. Woo Hoo! I'm now in my last year of my 20s. How sad and how exciting all at the same time. Looking back at this last year I have had to deal with some really tough situations and life changes. However I have grown a lot so I wouldn't trade the experiences or wish to have them changed. I'm glad that God doesn't show us the future. If on my 28th birthday I would have had a clue as to what the next year would entail, I couldn't have been able to cope with the dread and fear and worry.
Looking back at this last year I have also had some really great things happen. I finished school! How cool is that? Looking forward I know that God will continue to prove himself to be sufficient in EVERYTHING. I know God will provide more jobs as I need them. I know God will provide a computer and car when I need them. I know that he will help stretch and grow me into the image of his Son. God is the key. Life without him would be impossible.
It is also my birthday. Woo Hoo! I'm now in my last year of my 20s. How sad and how exciting all at the same time. Looking back at this last year I have had to deal with some really tough situations and life changes. However I have grown a lot so I wouldn't trade the experiences or wish to have them changed. I'm glad that God doesn't show us the future. If on my 28th birthday I would have had a clue as to what the next year would entail, I couldn't have been able to cope with the dread and fear and worry.
Looking back at this last year I have also had some really great things happen. I finished school! How cool is that? Looking forward I know that God will continue to prove himself to be sufficient in EVERYTHING. I know God will provide more jobs as I need them. I know God will provide a computer and car when I need them. I know that he will help stretch and grow me into the image of his Son. God is the key. Life without him would be impossible.
Friday, October 19, 2007
I'm Official Now
I made business cards this morning to help secure cleaning jobs. I'm feeling all grown up now. Actually feeling grown up may have something to do with the fact that my 29th birthday is Monday. It's hard to believe that I only have one more year of being a 20 something. Soon I'll just be OLD. :)
Last Monday I started working for the man in my church. I think things went fairly well over all. It was a long day since between working for the church and Rod I put in about 13 hours. Today I will be working both places again. Thankfully I had coffee this morning.
Last Monday I started working for the man in my church. I think things went fairly well over all. It was a long day since between working for the church and Rod I put in about 13 hours. Today I will be working both places again. Thankfully I had coffee this morning.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Fear vs. Trust
The job situation isn't as scary as it was a few weeks ago.
When I heard that my hours at the Church were being drastically cut I started trying to figure out what I should do next in regards to employment. After applying for quite a few full time jobs and having a couple interviews, I wasn't at peace with accepting one. Actually I kept freaking put it delicately. For the last few weeks I have played with the idea of juggling a couple part time jobs for a while. I know this would leave me needing to come up with my own health insurance, but I'm OK with that for the most part. So I have been praying about some part time opportunities that have come to my attention.
Last Friday morning I ran across Psalm 62:8.
Trust in him at all times, O people;
pour out your heart before him;
God is a refuge for us. Selah
The "pour out your heart before him" line really caught my attention. I have been praying about the situation this whole time, but I hadn't truly poured my heart out to God and told him my desires. I know that he already knows what I want and need, but he still wants us to ask. A father gets joy from knowing that his child trusts his love and generosity and thus feels total freedom to ask for good things. It probably hurts to know that his child wants something but is afraid to ask.
So Friday I seriously began to ask God to allow me to come up with various part time jobs that I would enjoy and still be able to earn enough money to support myself. That morning after I got to the office I received a phone call from a man in the church asking for some information. As we were chatting he asked how I was doing and I mentioned that I was hunting for work. He responded by asking me to work for him. How much clearer can God be in showing me that this is how I should pursue the next leg of my employed years? It was such a huge relief and confirmation that I am on the right track. Unfortunately working for him still doesn't give me enough hours or money but within hours of the phone call I was able to get a third part time job. And yet again, unfortunately, this job totaled with my other two jobs doesn't provide enough hours or money. But I have recently been able to chat with some people about a fourth possibility which involves cleaning houses. I know that my life will seem to be insane, but for a while I want to try this. Thankfully all the jobs can be accomplished during the day and early evening so I can still have a fairly "normal" schedule.
One thing I am praying for is that I will be able to buy a computer soon. If I can get a computer the job working for the man in my church could probably be done from home or at least Starbucks until I get internet service. Another thing I am praying for is that I will be able to secure some cleaning jobs soon and that they will pay well. I have a little under three weeks left of full time employment and I would like to have at least one cleaning job lined up before then. It would be an incredible "God thing" if I could have enough lined up to fill the needed hours.
Romans 12:12 ~ Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.
When I heard that my hours at the Church were being drastically cut I started trying to figure out what I should do next in regards to employment. After applying for quite a few full time jobs and having a couple interviews, I wasn't at peace with accepting one. Actually I kept freaking put it delicately. For the last few weeks I have played with the idea of juggling a couple part time jobs for a while. I know this would leave me needing to come up with my own health insurance, but I'm OK with that for the most part. So I have been praying about some part time opportunities that have come to my attention.
Last Friday morning I ran across Psalm 62:8.
Trust in him at all times, O people;
pour out your heart before him;
God is a refuge for us. Selah
The "pour out your heart before him" line really caught my attention. I have been praying about the situation this whole time, but I hadn't truly poured my heart out to God and told him my desires. I know that he already knows what I want and need, but he still wants us to ask. A father gets joy from knowing that his child trusts his love and generosity and thus feels total freedom to ask for good things. It probably hurts to know that his child wants something but is afraid to ask.
So Friday I seriously began to ask God to allow me to come up with various part time jobs that I would enjoy and still be able to earn enough money to support myself. That morning after I got to the office I received a phone call from a man in the church asking for some information. As we were chatting he asked how I was doing and I mentioned that I was hunting for work. He responded by asking me to work for him. How much clearer can God be in showing me that this is how I should pursue the next leg of my employed years? It was such a huge relief and confirmation that I am on the right track. Unfortunately working for him still doesn't give me enough hours or money but within hours of the phone call I was able to get a third part time job. And yet again, unfortunately, this job totaled with my other two jobs doesn't provide enough hours or money. But I have recently been able to chat with some people about a fourth possibility which involves cleaning houses. I know that my life will seem to be insane, but for a while I want to try this. Thankfully all the jobs can be accomplished during the day and early evening so I can still have a fairly "normal" schedule.
One thing I am praying for is that I will be able to buy a computer soon. If I can get a computer the job working for the man in my church could probably be done from home or at least Starbucks until I get internet service. Another thing I am praying for is that I will be able to secure some cleaning jobs soon and that they will pay well. I have a little under three weeks left of full time employment and I would like to have at least one cleaning job lined up before then. It would be an incredible "God thing" if I could have enough lined up to fill the needed hours.
Romans 12:12 ~ Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.
Monday, October 08, 2007
Life is a rollercoaster. This last weekend I was able to spend a few hours with a good friend of mine who, in less than a month, will be heading to South Africa as a missionary. It was bittersweet. I am so excited for her to be able to go and fulfill this part of God’s plan for her life. I have been able to watch her to through the process of gaining acceptance from the EBM missions board, raise support, and now I see her preparing to leave. A huge part of me wishes that I could go with her. I value her friendship and the benefits that I have reaped from knowing her. God has used her to sharpen me in so many ways. Her godward focus has challenged and encouraged me over these last few years that we have known each other.
Although at this point in life I can’t support her financially I can support her prayerfully.
"The LORD bless you
and keep you;
the LORD make his face shine upon you
and be gracious to you;
the LORD turn his face toward you
and give you peace."
(Numbers 6:24-26)
I love you, sister!
Although at this point in life I can’t support her financially I can support her prayerfully.
"The LORD bless you
and keep you;
the LORD make his face shine upon you
and be gracious to you;
the LORD turn his face toward you
and give you peace."
(Numbers 6:24-26)
I love you, sister!
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Have you ever prayed fervently for something and then when the answer comes as a yes, you wish you could go back in time and ask for something entirely different? These last few weeks have been like that for me. I prayed that God would do something in my life to help me grow spiritually and help me overcome some reoccurring sins. The answer, while in the back of my mind was not completely unexpected, has proven to be a more powerful sculpting tool than I would have dreamed.
I have lived for years with a perceived sense of security that was totally based on my own ability to provide for myself. But God in his wisdom has chosen to tear down my false refuge and compel me to look to himself for true security. I am at a place in life where anything could happen. Some would see this as exciting, as a chance to improve my life and seize new opportunities; I’m not one of those people. Rather than embrace change I tend to fear it.
Earlier this week I was reminded of a few verses I memorized as a young child. Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” After I came across these verses I was surprised that they hadn’t come to mind weeks earlier. How basic can it get? Trust God, don’t depend on my own knowledge, recognize he is sovereign and in control, and he will show me what he wants me to do.
First Chronicles 28:9 is an admonishment from a parent to a child.“…know the God of your father and serve him with a whole heart and with a willing mind, for the LORD searches all hearts and understands every plan and thought. If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will cast you off forever.”
One of my challenges right now is this: How will I come out on the other side of this testing? Will I be more focused on Christ? Will I fight my natural tendencies and serve God wholeheartedly? Will I gladly go and do what he asks? Or will I let my insecurity and fear cause me to fight to remain the same?
I have an incredible amount of support from my family and friends. So many people are praying for me. Until recently I hadn’t begun to comprehend the comfort and peace that results from hearing the words “I’m praying for you.” or “God has a plan and is in control. He will lead you to wherever he has designed for you to go.” I think that a lot of my current strength is stemmed from this aspect of Christianity: the body of Christ.
I have lived for years with a perceived sense of security that was totally based on my own ability to provide for myself. But God in his wisdom has chosen to tear down my false refuge and compel me to look to himself for true security. I am at a place in life where anything could happen. Some would see this as exciting, as a chance to improve my life and seize new opportunities; I’m not one of those people. Rather than embrace change I tend to fear it.
Earlier this week I was reminded of a few verses I memorized as a young child. Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” After I came across these verses I was surprised that they hadn’t come to mind weeks earlier. How basic can it get? Trust God, don’t depend on my own knowledge, recognize he is sovereign and in control, and he will show me what he wants me to do.
First Chronicles 28:9 is an admonishment from a parent to a child.“…know the God of your father and serve him with a whole heart and with a willing mind, for the LORD searches all hearts and understands every plan and thought. If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will cast you off forever.”
One of my challenges right now is this: How will I come out on the other side of this testing? Will I be more focused on Christ? Will I fight my natural tendencies and serve God wholeheartedly? Will I gladly go and do what he asks? Or will I let my insecurity and fear cause me to fight to remain the same?
I have an incredible amount of support from my family and friends. So many people are praying for me. Until recently I hadn’t begun to comprehend the comfort and peace that results from hearing the words “I’m praying for you.” or “God has a plan and is in control. He will lead you to wherever he has designed for you to go.” I think that a lot of my current strength is stemmed from this aspect of Christianity: the body of Christ.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Have your cake and eat it too...
I need a weekend to recover from last weekend. Or maybe I need the routine of the workweek. Hmmm…something to ponder.
Friday and Saturday were fairly uneventful. Sunday evening I was at a friend’s house playing Dutch Blitz until 2 in the morning. We invented(?) a new way of playing that adds an element of panic and fun. Once the score keeper is finished tallying the scores from the previous hand we shuffle 3 times, set out our post and blitz piles and start playing even if the others haven’t gotten their piles laid out. I adds pressure to shuffle quickly and well.
On Monday we celebrated the 27th birthday of one of the members of the “crew.” This was done by getting lunch out at Monterey’s, going to a used book store, and then heading back to my place for a Star Trek movie marathon. We watched numbers 2, 4 and 6. I have to admit that even though I am a Trekkie I hadn't seen any of the original Star Trek movies the whole way through. Once we finished watching number 4 we "had" to stop for cake and ice-cream. I made the cake Sunday and it was probably the most memorable looking creation I have ever constructed. It was a layer cake and the top layer kept splitting while I was trying to frost it. Therefore the frosting was mostly globbed on the top in the middle. Spreading it just wouldn’t work without putting it apart more. It was hilarious.
Friday and Saturday were fairly uneventful. Sunday evening I was at a friend’s house playing Dutch Blitz until 2 in the morning. We invented(?) a new way of playing that adds an element of panic and fun. Once the score keeper is finished tallying the scores from the previous hand we shuffle 3 times, set out our post and blitz piles and start playing even if the others haven’t gotten their piles laid out. I adds pressure to shuffle quickly and well.
On Monday we celebrated the 27th birthday of one of the members of the “crew.” This was done by getting lunch out at Monterey’s, going to a used book store, and then heading back to my place for a Star Trek movie marathon. We watched numbers 2, 4 and 6. I have to admit that even though I am a Trekkie I hadn't seen any of the original Star Trek movies the whole way through. Once we finished watching number 4 we "had" to stop for cake and ice-cream. I made the cake Sunday and it was probably the most memorable looking creation I have ever constructed. It was a layer cake and the top layer kept splitting while I was trying to frost it. Therefore the frosting was mostly globbed on the top in the middle. Spreading it just wouldn’t work without putting it apart more. It was hilarious.
Friday, August 31, 2007
blogging or lack therof
By my lack of blogging it would appear that my life has been completely dull. Perhaps this is true or perhaps I can’t write about my life due to the nature of the events. Maybe this will be changing within the next few weeks, but then maybe it won’t. Maybe I just read too much and don't have time to blog. But ultimately, "It's not my nature to be mysterious, but I just can't tell you."
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Vacations can have all sorts of effects on people. Sometimes they are refreshing, sometimes they are energizing, sometimes they are tiring. My latest time away had an unusual result: I’m a bit more holey than I was last Friday.
Last Friday morning at 5:00am two of my close friends and I left Des Moines to spend a few days in Cincinnati. Each time we take this trip we also end up spending a few hours in Yellow Springs. When we went last year I was contemplating having my cartilage pierced again. Since I don’t have pain tolerance and I can never be sure how my body will react to pain I wimped out and didn’t get the piercing. After a year of thought I decided that this year I would risk experiencing a potential embarrassing and often painful reaction and get it done.
While I was sitting in the piercing chair waiting to have holes poked in my ear I couldn’t keep my mind from flashing back to former encounters with pain and sickness. A year ago March I stayed at a friends house for the night to relax. I had been hoping that the night away from my usual routine would help me recover from whatever it was that had been making me feel drained for over a month. About half way through a movie I decided to get up and brush my teeth. As soon as I stood up I knew that I should sit down because I was dizzy. So what did I do? I continued my jaunt to the bathroom all the while thinking that willpower would keep me conscious. After a few moments I thought, “Hey, this isn’t working and I still I feel like I’m going to pass out, what should I do? Lets carry on a conversation about old people and STDs!” - don’t ask. Dumb idea. After I made it to the bathroom I passed out, hitting my head a couple times on the way down for good measure. The story doesn’t end there, but we can pretend that it does.
Last September I went to my parents house to borrow a hose so I could spray my yard with weed killer. As I was tromping down the stairs to ask my dad where the hose was my feet flew out from under me and I landed on my rear on the stairs. It hurt. I seriously don’t recommend falling on the stairs. It’s not graceful and you may end up with bruises in places you don’t want people looking. In attempting to keep my parents from worrying I got up right away and finished my abruptly shortened and slowed walk to the basement. While trying to prove to my dad that I was fine and completely uninjured and relatively pain free I decided to sit down and chat for a bit. Minutes later I woke up to the sound of my mom yelling into the phone for an ambulance, my dad hanging on to me, and sweat running down my face. Seizures are almost as fun as fainting.
Thankfully the piercing went well and while it did hurt a bit I was able to cope without being humbled by my body’s tendency to freak out at pain.
Last Friday morning at 5:00am two of my close friends and I left Des Moines to spend a few days in Cincinnati. Each time we take this trip we also end up spending a few hours in Yellow Springs. When we went last year I was contemplating having my cartilage pierced again. Since I don’t have pain tolerance and I can never be sure how my body will react to pain I wimped out and didn’t get the piercing. After a year of thought I decided that this year I would risk experiencing a potential embarrassing and often painful reaction and get it done.
While I was sitting in the piercing chair waiting to have holes poked in my ear I couldn’t keep my mind from flashing back to former encounters with pain and sickness. A year ago March I stayed at a friends house for the night to relax. I had been hoping that the night away from my usual routine would help me recover from whatever it was that had been making me feel drained for over a month. About half way through a movie I decided to get up and brush my teeth. As soon as I stood up I knew that I should sit down because I was dizzy. So what did I do? I continued my jaunt to the bathroom all the while thinking that willpower would keep me conscious. After a few moments I thought, “Hey, this isn’t working and I still I feel like I’m going to pass out, what should I do? Lets carry on a conversation about old people and STDs!” - don’t ask. Dumb idea. After I made it to the bathroom I passed out, hitting my head a couple times on the way down for good measure. The story doesn’t end there, but we can pretend that it does.
Last September I went to my parents house to borrow a hose so I could spray my yard with weed killer. As I was tromping down the stairs to ask my dad where the hose was my feet flew out from under me and I landed on my rear on the stairs. It hurt. I seriously don’t recommend falling on the stairs. It’s not graceful and you may end up with bruises in places you don’t want people looking. In attempting to keep my parents from worrying I got up right away and finished my abruptly shortened and slowed walk to the basement. While trying to prove to my dad that I was fine and completely uninjured and relatively pain free I decided to sit down and chat for a bit. Minutes later I woke up to the sound of my mom yelling into the phone for an ambulance, my dad hanging on to me, and sweat running down my face. Seizures are almost as fun as fainting.
Thankfully the piercing went well and while it did hurt a bit I was able to cope without being humbled by my body’s tendency to freak out at pain.
Monday, July 02, 2007
I'm Back Up to Speed
I got back to my normal speed for jogging today. That’s encouraging. I think I would make a lot better time if I had an Ipod. I should get one someday.
I’m actually surprised that I made fairly decent time this morning. When I started out, every time my right arm swung forward it hurt. This is thanks to going to my friend’s place on a lake Saturday with the singles group from church. I spent time on the tube flying around the lake. It was painful but a blast.
This week I get to hang out at one of my sister's houses to take care of the pets while they are at family camp. On Sunday I spent the afternoon there watching her kid's two kittens and rat. That combination of animals has turned out to be quite entertaining. While I'm there I let the kittens out of the room they are kept in so they can run around. After I cleaned out the litter box I noticed that one of the kittens was getting ready to pounce on the rat’s cage. The rat was frantically running around. It was hilarious to see. I’m sure the rat didn’t think it was fun though.
I’m actually surprised that I made fairly decent time this morning. When I started out, every time my right arm swung forward it hurt. This is thanks to going to my friend’s place on a lake Saturday with the singles group from church. I spent time on the tube flying around the lake. It was painful but a blast.
This week I get to hang out at one of my sister's houses to take care of the pets while they are at family camp. On Sunday I spent the afternoon there watching her kid's two kittens and rat. That combination of animals has turned out to be quite entertaining. While I'm there I let the kittens out of the room they are kept in so they can run around. After I cleaned out the litter box I noticed that one of the kittens was getting ready to pounce on the rat’s cage. The rat was frantically running around. It was hilarious to see. I’m sure the rat didn’t think it was fun though.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Record Slows
I’m fairly certain that Monday morning and again this morning I set record slows for jogging. On Monday I saw that there was a lady ahead of me walking in the same direction as I was around the lake. I decided to look away for a few minutes and then look at her again to see how much distance I had gained on her. So for a few minutes I enjoyed jogging by the ducks and ducklings and avoided the animal excrement’s on the path and sprinklers that water the adjacent lawns and anyone who happens to be on the trail that early in the morning. When I looked up to see where the lady was, she was further ahead than she had been a few minutes earlier. I had to laugh over that one. How pathetic can I get? A lady was walking faster than I was jogging. I gave myself a pep talk explaining that I was slower than usual that morning because it was Monday and I hadn’t jogged since Friday and was still weighed down by dinner the night before and that I would be faster on Wednesday - today. I wasn’t.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Queen for a Day (or a few minutes anyway)
Last night after church at about 9 a group of us went to a friend’s house to play Settlers of Catan. It was the first time I have won the game. I’ve only played about 5 times now, but since some of the people playing are extremely competitive I just wanted to take a moment and let the world know of my victory. WOO HOO ME!!
Since the game didn't end until about midnight I'm rather tired today. I'm also dragging a bit since I haven't had coffee or any caffeine since Sunday. I've been drinking coffee or tea in the mornings regularly since high school. Ten year habits are a bit painful to break.
Since the game didn't end until about midnight I'm rather tired today. I'm also dragging a bit since I haven't had coffee or any caffeine since Sunday. I've been drinking coffee or tea in the mornings regularly since high school. Ten year habits are a bit painful to break.
Friday, June 15, 2007
The Giggling Lawn Mower
A few Fridays ago I decided to test my ability to stay sane and invite three of my nephews to my tiny little house to spend the night. After I got off work my sister and b-i-l dropped them off and the evening began. We started out by climbing my magnolia tree. Tree climbing was never my thing while I was growing up but I can understand their enjoyment and the rush they get from “climbing all the way up there.” My magnolia tree isn’t all that tall, but for 7, 5, and 3 year old boys its great. I guess its also great for roommates who like to talk on the phone while sitting in trees. But that is a different story.
Next the adventure took us to a local elementary school’s playground. I was impressed by the older boys’ ability to do the monkey bars. I’ve never been good at them and when I was growing up I guess I didn’t see the fun in feeling like the skin was going to be ripped off my hands. I guess that maybe that is part of the draw for the boys; they tend to like gross things. So what if the skin is pulled off their hands, that’s cool isn’t it? You can see blood and muscles and stuff.
While we were walking back to my house the youngest was really dawdling. I wasn’t paying a whole lot of attention to what he was doing because I was trying to keep my eyes on the two older boys who had thought they should run ahead and keep running even after I yelled to them to wait. After a little while, after the two finally stopped, I started watching what the youngest more closely. He was doing this odd thing of trotting about 10 feet, stopping, acting like he was starting a pull cord engine, and they he would trot another few feet all the while making an engine noise. Then it hit me. He was pretending to be a lawn mower. It was hilarious.
The next morning the older two boys woke up early to watch Saturday morning cartoons. After about half an hour I checked on the three year old. I heard an unexpected noise come from him so I leaned down to hear him better. He was giggling in his sleep. A little bit later when he woke up he told me that he was having funny dreams.
Weeks later this still makes me laugh. My nephew the lawn mower giggles in his sleep.
Next the adventure took us to a local elementary school’s playground. I was impressed by the older boys’ ability to do the monkey bars. I’ve never been good at them and when I was growing up I guess I didn’t see the fun in feeling like the skin was going to be ripped off my hands. I guess that maybe that is part of the draw for the boys; they tend to like gross things. So what if the skin is pulled off their hands, that’s cool isn’t it? You can see blood and muscles and stuff.
While we were walking back to my house the youngest was really dawdling. I wasn’t paying a whole lot of attention to what he was doing because I was trying to keep my eyes on the two older boys who had thought they should run ahead and keep running even after I yelled to them to wait. After a little while, after the two finally stopped, I started watching what the youngest more closely. He was doing this odd thing of trotting about 10 feet, stopping, acting like he was starting a pull cord engine, and they he would trot another few feet all the while making an engine noise. Then it hit me. He was pretending to be a lawn mower. It was hilarious.
The next morning the older two boys woke up early to watch Saturday morning cartoons. After about half an hour I checked on the three year old. I heard an unexpected noise come from him so I leaned down to hear him better. He was giggling in his sleep. A little bit later when he woke up he told me that he was having funny dreams.
Weeks later this still makes me laugh. My nephew the lawn mower giggles in his sleep.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Last Friday at about 3 pm I sneezed hard twice and then felt achy and drained. I’ve never had the onset of a cold be so sudden or violent. Generally when I get a cold I feel a bit tired and sneeze a few times and it gradually gets worse before getting better. I think this cold was worse the first couple hours than it was on day two or three. Not that you’re interested in reading about my cold.
Saturday I went to a wedding. It was perfect. God seriously blessed the bride and groom on their day. The weather couldn’t have been better for an outdoor wedding on a lake; it was warm and sunny with a gentle breeze. There was probably a little over a hundred people there. It was large enough to seem like a real wedding but small enough to be somewhat intimate. The bride was beautiful and the groom...nervous.
In watching the new bride and groom this last year their desire to please God and live ultimately for him has been evident. They both have a growing relationship with God, they are both active in the church, they protected their union by having safeguards in place to guard their purity. It was great to see how all of this was evident on that one specific day. It is going to be fun to watch and see how God continues to bless their marriage.
Saturday I went to a wedding. It was perfect. God seriously blessed the bride and groom on their day. The weather couldn’t have been better for an outdoor wedding on a lake; it was warm and sunny with a gentle breeze. There was probably a little over a hundred people there. It was large enough to seem like a real wedding but small enough to be somewhat intimate. The bride was beautiful and the groom...nervous.
In watching the new bride and groom this last year their desire to please God and live ultimately for him has been evident. They both have a growing relationship with God, they are both active in the church, they protected their union by having safeguards in place to guard their purity. It was great to see how all of this was evident on that one specific day. It is going to be fun to watch and see how God continues to bless their marriage.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
My buddy Jung
I've taken the Jung Typology test twice now. I have been “diagnosed” with having the same personality type both times, but at differing %points. I am INTJ: slightly expressed introvert, slightly expressed intuitive personality, slightly expressed thinking personality, very expressed judging personality.
However, after taking it twice, I think that the test, in order to get a better overall view of an individual’s personality type, should be taken a few times when you are in different situations. With my friends I am very expressed intuitive and very expressed thinking rather than slightly expressed. I think the test’s assessment is true of me when I am at the office. This makes sense seeing how I have been at the office both times I have taken it. I should complete it sometime when I'm out with my friends to see if there really is a difference.
I am always the very expressed judging personality. I tend to see things as black and white even when it comes to the “gray areas”. I generally know what I think and how to respond and act when I am faced with a gray area without feeling as if I am facing some type of moral crossroad or crisis. It doesn’t really bother me when other people choose to act in a way opposite of how I would react or prefer when they are faced with the same situation. I think that gray areas are, to a large degree, personal preferences that people frequently try to define as being a right or wrong, sin or not sin. I don't see them as being a big deal.
This blog has been brought to you by the sometimes slightly introverted, sometimes slightly thinking, and always very judgmental.
However, after taking it twice, I think that the test, in order to get a better overall view of an individual’s personality type, should be taken a few times when you are in different situations. With my friends I am very expressed intuitive and very expressed thinking rather than slightly expressed. I think the test’s assessment is true of me when I am at the office. This makes sense seeing how I have been at the office both times I have taken it. I should complete it sometime when I'm out with my friends to see if there really is a difference.
I am always the very expressed judging personality. I tend to see things as black and white even when it comes to the “gray areas”. I generally know what I think and how to respond and act when I am faced with a gray area without feeling as if I am facing some type of moral crossroad or crisis. It doesn’t really bother me when other people choose to act in a way opposite of how I would react or prefer when they are faced with the same situation. I think that gray areas are, to a large degree, personal preferences that people frequently try to define as being a right or wrong, sin or not sin. I don't see them as being a big deal.
This blog has been brought to you by the sometimes slightly introverted, sometimes slightly thinking, and always very judgmental.
Friday, April 06, 2007
Walking, PT2
My brave friend and I survived our evening walk last night. I must add that the wind, knowing that it could not defeat us, was almost tame. It did attempt at one point to knock us over but we, in the face of danger, merely laughed and continued our journey.
Since the weekend has approached and my fearless friend and I, along with the rest of the Christian world, desire to celebrate Easter we plan to take a brief sabbatical from our expeditions and will continue where we left off sometime next week.
Happy Easter.
Since the weekend has approached and my fearless friend and I, along with the rest of the Christian world, desire to celebrate Easter we plan to take a brief sabbatical from our expeditions and will continue where we left off sometime next week.
Happy Easter.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Walking can be a dangerous sport. Yesterday I went for a walk with a friend and I’m rather shocked and amazed that we made it through the entire estimated 1.25 miles. The wind was incredible; I don’t think it stopped trying to knock us over or make us freeze to death during the duration of our trek. Admittedly my friend is the true heroine of the story. As she was wearing long johns under her mesh workout pants and I wasn’t, she bravely allowed me to use her to block the wind. OK she didn’t have a choice since I hid behind her without first receiving her permission. But nevertheless she was my fearless champion. Today we plan, yet again, to brave the rigors of the voracious wind and test our survival skills. Will we survive?
Thursday, March 29, 2007
I’m tired. But what’s new? Other than having a new roommate and needing to adjust from living alone in my quiet home to living with someone who has a hard time dealing with silence, nothing in my life has changed. Ok so maybe that’s part of the reason why I’m tired although I could probably blame it on the weather. We are having another “London Day.” Cool and foggy with the sun no where to be seen. Maybe it’s a good thing I don’t have windows in the office. That would probably be depressing. Just in case you haven’t been able to figure it out, I’m rambling. I’m not quite sure what to say but I feel the need to add to my rather lengthy blog.
Sigh…it’s a chocolate day.
Question: Can frequently reminding someone who needs to be reminded be considered picking on them? Can it be justified in cases where if the individual doesn’t accomplish what needs to be done I’ll have to take up the slack and make it work?
Sigh…it’s a chocolate day.
Question: Can frequently reminding someone who needs to be reminded be considered picking on them? Can it be justified in cases where if the individual doesn’t accomplish what needs to be done I’ll have to take up the slack and make it work?
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