Monday, October 22, 2007

God is Good

I got my first house cleaning job this morning. I start November 5, my first official day as a part timer at the church.

It is also my birthday. Woo Hoo! I'm now in my last year of my 20s. How sad and how exciting all at the same time. Looking back at this last year I have had to deal with some really tough situations and life changes. However I have grown a lot so I wouldn't trade the experiences or wish to have them changed. I'm glad that God doesn't show us the future. If on my 28th birthday I would have had a clue as to what the next year would entail, I couldn't have been able to cope with the dread and fear and worry.

Looking back at this last year I have also had some really great things happen. I finished school! How cool is that? Looking forward I know that God will continue to prove himself to be sufficient in EVERYTHING. I know God will provide more jobs as I need them. I know God will provide a computer and car when I need them. I know that he will help stretch and grow me into the image of his Son. God is the key. Life without him would be impossible.

Friday, October 19, 2007

I'm Official Now

I made business cards this morning to help secure cleaning jobs. I'm feeling all grown up now. Actually feeling grown up may have something to do with the fact that my 29th birthday is Monday. It's hard to believe that I only have one more year of being a 20 something. Soon I'll just be OLD. :)

Last Monday I started working for the man in my church. I think things went fairly well over all. It was a long day since between working for the church and Rod I put in about 13 hours. Today I will be working both places again. Thankfully I had coffee this morning.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Fear vs. Trust

The job situation isn't as scary as it was a few weeks ago.

When I heard that my hours at the Church were being drastically cut I started trying to figure out what I should do next in regards to employment. After applying for quite a few full time jobs and having a couple interviews, I wasn't at peace with accepting one. Actually I kept freaking put it delicately. For the last few weeks I have played with the idea of juggling a couple part time jobs for a while. I know this would leave me needing to come up with my own health insurance, but I'm OK with that for the most part. So I have been praying about some part time opportunities that have come to my attention.

Last Friday morning I ran across Psalm 62:8.

Trust in him at all times, O people;
pour out your heart before him;
God is a refuge for us. Selah

The "pour out your heart before him" line really caught my attention. I have been praying about the situation this whole time, but I hadn't truly poured my heart out to God and told him my desires. I know that he already knows what I want and need, but he still wants us to ask. A father gets joy from knowing that his child trusts his love and generosity and thus feels total freedom to ask for good things. It probably hurts to know that his child wants something but is afraid to ask.

So Friday I seriously began to ask God to allow me to come up with various part time jobs that I would enjoy and still be able to earn enough money to support myself. That morning after I got to the office I received a phone call from a man in the church asking for some information. As we were chatting he asked how I was doing and I mentioned that I was hunting for work. He responded by asking me to work for him. How much clearer can God be in showing me that this is how I should pursue the next leg of my employed years? It was such a huge relief and confirmation that I am on the right track. Unfortunately working for him still doesn't give me enough hours or money but within hours of the phone call I was able to get a third part time job. And yet again, unfortunately, this job totaled with my other two jobs doesn't provide enough hours or money. But I have recently been able to chat with some people about a fourth possibility which involves cleaning houses. I know that my life will seem to be insane, but for a while I want to try this. Thankfully all the jobs can be accomplished during the day and early evening so I can still have a fairly "normal" schedule.

One thing I am praying for is that I will be able to buy a computer soon. If I can get a computer the job working for the man in my church could probably be done from home or at least Starbucks until I get internet service. Another thing I am praying for is that I will be able to secure some cleaning jobs soon and that they will pay well. I have a little under three weeks left of full time employment and I would like to have at least one cleaning job lined up before then. It would be an incredible "God thing" if I could have enough lined up to fill the needed hours.

Romans 12:12 ~ Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.

Monday, October 08, 2007


Life is a rollercoaster. This last weekend I was able to spend a few hours with a good friend of mine who, in less than a month, will be heading to South Africa as a missionary. It was bittersweet. I am so excited for her to be able to go and fulfill this part of God’s plan for her life. I have been able to watch her to through the process of gaining acceptance from the EBM missions board, raise support, and now I see her preparing to leave. A huge part of me wishes that I could go with her. I value her friendship and the benefits that I have reaped from knowing her. God has used her to sharpen me in so many ways. Her godward focus has challenged and encouraged me over these last few years that we have known each other.

Although at this point in life I can’t support her financially I can support her prayerfully.

"The LORD bless you

and keep you;
the LORD make his face shine upon you

and be gracious to you;
the LORD turn his face toward you

and give you peace."
(Numbers 6:24-26)

I love you, sister!

Thursday, October 04, 2007


Have you ever prayed fervently for something and then when the answer comes as a yes, you wish you could go back in time and ask for something entirely different? These last few weeks have been like that for me. I prayed that God would do something in my life to help me grow spiritually and help me overcome some reoccurring sins. The answer, while in the back of my mind was not completely unexpected, has proven to be a more powerful sculpting tool than I would have dreamed.

I have lived for years with a perceived sense of security that was totally based on my own ability to provide for myself. But God in his wisdom has chosen to tear down my false refuge and compel me to look to himself for true security. I am at a place in life where anything could happen. Some would see this as exciting, as a chance to improve my life and seize new opportunities; I’m not one of those people. Rather than embrace change I tend to fear it.

Earlier this week I was reminded of a few verses I memorized as a young child. Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” After I came across these verses I was surprised that they hadn’t come to mind weeks earlier. How basic can it get? Trust God, don’t depend on my own knowledge, recognize he is sovereign and in control, and he will show me what he wants me to do.

First Chronicles 28:9 is an admonishment from a parent to a child.“…know the God of your father and serve him with a whole heart and with a willing mind, for the LORD searches all hearts and understands every plan and thought. If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will cast you off forever.”

One of my challenges right now is this: How will I come out on the other side of this testing? Will I be more focused on Christ? Will I fight my natural tendencies and serve God wholeheartedly? Will I gladly go and do what he asks? Or will I let my insecurity and fear cause me to fight to remain the same?

I have an incredible amount of support from my family and friends. So many people are praying for me. Until recently I hadn’t begun to comprehend the comfort and peace that results from hearing the words “I’m praying for you.” or “God has a plan and is in control. He will lead you to wherever he has designed for you to go.” I think that a lot of my current strength is stemmed from this aspect of Christianity: the body of Christ.