Monday, May 03, 2010

Zach's Birthday Party

Last Saturday I was able to attend a birthday party for my nephew, Zach. Most birthday parties for kids are fun, but I personally think that a kid's first birthday party is the best...even if it isn't something that they will remember.

My brother's and sister-in-law's camera broke so they asked me to be their photographer. I'm fairly certain that I wasn't given the honor because of my awe inspiring ability to capture the essence of a moment on film. I think I was the "lucky" one because I was there, had a working camera, and didn't have kids of my own to keep out of the way.

Here are a few of my better pictures from the day:

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Moving Again pt 2

I just published that last post today even though I wrote it a few weeks ago. I moved back to DSM a little over a week ago. So far I have managed to stay busy by helping one of my sisters paint her new house. It's been a big project, but the end is in sight.

This week I'll start job hunting. I don't have to be in too much of a hurry, thankfully. I'm debating which direction to go: get a job so I have money coming in and start grad school or try to find a job that will give me some fulfillment and forget about school. Or who knows, God can bring up something I'm not anticipating. I think at this point, I'm hoping for that one. :)