We started our drive at 8am sharp. The rout that was recommended to us took highway 54 to I-40 to I-25 to the motel. We passed through the rest of Kansas, the "handle" of Oklahoma (Texahoma is a REAL place - we got gas there) and a bit of Texas before making it to New Mexico. We ended up stopping randomly in New Mexico for lunch. We didn't know what town we were in and when we stopped, we didn't even know there was a restaurant there. It looked like a gas station with a little shopper's mart attached. Even though the appearance of the restaurant was rustic and a bit run down the food was EXCELLENT and INEXPENSIVE. We asked the waitress what town we were in and she said Logan, New Mexico. So if you ever find yourself in Logan, NM and you notice their gas station, stop for food. Its great!
The drive went really well until we got to Albuquerque, NM. The drive through the mountains was beautiful as we neared the town. But also as we neared the town traffic began to pick up. After we merged onto I-25 and before we exited for the motel I was almost sideswiped about 3 times by the same truck. A couple minutes after that and after we exited the interstate I was almost rear-ended by a moving truck.
The mountains here are beautiful. They more than make up for the crazy drivers.
I managed to snap a couple photos today. I took the first one when we were starting out for the day. After that I randomly took a couple shots through out the day.

Starting out for the day...already looking tired.

Making our U-turn after the GPS freaked out.

Heading the right way again.