Tuesday, August 19, 2008

School Started

School started yesterday. I almost miss being a school kid. Life was easier back then. But I guess that I still prefer being a “grown-up”. Life now is more complicated, but a lot better.

Somehow I got myself into a situation of cleaning at the school/church six days a week. Call me a softie, but I didn’t like the thought of the head maintenance guy having to clean the JH hallway everyday when he is already working more than enough hours. So I volunteered myself for Mondays and Thursdays. I wanted Mondays to be a really light work day since I am working six days a week even without the extra cleaning. Oh well. It isn’t the end of the world even though it will help me be more consistent in praying for the rapture.

I planned to go jogging this morning. When my alarm went off my brain decided to overthrow its earlier decision and stay in bed for an extra hour. The sleep was nice, but I really need to get back into the routine of jogging. It also would have been nice to have been awake for more than fifteen minutes before I needed to be at job number one for today.

Hours later and I’m still not fully awake.

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