Tuesday, December 19, 2006

DMax alive???

You may be wondering if I am still alive since I haven't posted for a few months. I am.

I spent most of last weekend baking. This isn't something that I do frequently. I tend to eat way too much of whatever it is that I am making so I try to avoid doing it. However, this baking frenzy didn't end with a sugar rush. Actually, I haven't been so tempted by any of the Christmas treats that I can't say no. I have had my share, but it's been a smaller share than usual.

Last weekend was also the weekend of the parties. Saturday (after I baked a cake) I went to my niece's birthday party. From there I went to the Christmas party for my church's singles class. The Christmas party was a blast. We did the usual...eating, white elephant gift exchange, play games.

BUT the best party of the season is to come...the annual "New Years Eve" all night movie marathon. A few years ago we decided to start the tradition of staying up all night to watch a series of movies. The first year we watched the Lord of the Rings extended edition trilogy. The next year we watched all six Star Wars movies. This year we are watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy again. I think the plan is to watch them every other year. Even though we take breaks to play games and move around it only took about 12 hours to watch them two years ago. Star Wars took a lot longer.

Since it may be a few months before I post again I should probably end by wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!