Thursday, September 04, 2008

My Penguin

On Saturday night two of my nephews and one of my nieces spent the night. It was fun and they were really well behaved. Being well behaved was probably a huge contributing factor to the fun aspect of the evening. I kind of wish that more kids realized this.

We started our evening by getting Chinese food from Hyvee. We had intended to buy a take and bake pizza but the store we were at doesn’t carry them. After that we decided to rent some movies. The kids wanted to see Nim’s Island so we got that and the first of the six Star Wars movies. Chinese and movies are always a good mix. The youngest probably had the best fortune from the fortune cookies – “You are what you think about.” “Hey, I’m a penguin.” So I guess now I have seven nephews, two nieces, and a penguin. Thanks, Hyvee, for your words of wisdom.

It seems like whenever these particular kids come over things go wrong with my house or the minor problems I can live with are somehow amplified. Last December I was able to get a new furnace. One of my brothers-in-law installed it for me, but since he isn’t an actual “furnace and air conditioner person” he didn’t have access to the needed Freon to get the air up and working. I had asked someone I know to get it up and running, but he wasn’t able to get it done. Because of the heat and humidity the wood on my doors and windows tends to swell which causes problems opening and closing them. Over all my doors are OK…with the exception of the bathroom door. My oldest nephew managed to get stuck in the bathroom Saturday night and again Sunday morning. Imagine a ten year old boy trapped in the bathroom, banging on the door so someone will come and rescue him. Now imagine me, a seven year old girl and a five year old boy pushing on one side of the door and the ten year old pulling from the other; times two, since it happened twice. It was hilarious.

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