Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Big Changes pt. IV

In Big Changes pt. 1 I mentioned that right away after James and I started getting to know each other I realized that we would end up getting married. Thankfully James came to the came realization quickly after I did. In mid July while James and I were talking on the phone, as we do for anywhere between 3 to 4 hours a day, and we decided that October 30, 2010 would be the date for us to get married. YAY!!!!

Ever since that conversation I've been planning our wedding and preparing to move. My goal was to plan as much of the wedding as possible before I moved. THANKFULLY I have been unemployed and have been able to spend multiple hours a day focused on wedding details. I have to admit that I am somewhat impressed because in 6 weeks I was able to plan a wedding that won't take place for another 67 days.

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