Monday, October 22, 2007

God is Good

I got my first house cleaning job this morning. I start November 5, my first official day as a part timer at the church.

It is also my birthday. Woo Hoo! I'm now in my last year of my 20s. How sad and how exciting all at the same time. Looking back at this last year I have had to deal with some really tough situations and life changes. However I have grown a lot so I wouldn't trade the experiences or wish to have them changed. I'm glad that God doesn't show us the future. If on my 28th birthday I would have had a clue as to what the next year would entail, I couldn't have been able to cope with the dread and fear and worry.

Looking back at this last year I have also had some really great things happen. I finished school! How cool is that? Looking forward I know that God will continue to prove himself to be sufficient in EVERYTHING. I know God will provide more jobs as I need them. I know God will provide a computer and car when I need them. I know that he will help stretch and grow me into the image of his Son. God is the key. Life without him would be impossible.

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